Stephanie Morrison

  • Four reasons for using a mould removal service

    There are many professional services who specialise in removing mould from your home, but you may be uncertain as to whether such a service is necessary. Here are some reasons why mould removal is an essential service. Health Most importantly, there are numerous health issues associated with mould. Mould is a fungus that releases spores that can cause health problems with anyone nearby. People with allergies are particularly susceptible and can suffer from asthma and other respiratory problems, including coughing, sneezing and nasal congestion.
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  • Carpet Steam Cleaning Versus Carpet Dry Cleaning

    Since you might not have the necessary equipment needed to thoroughly clean your carpet and avoid damage caused by stains and dirt located deep within the carpet's fibres, carpets, especially cotton, woollen and polyester, need to be cleaned professionally.   Regular DIY carpet vacuuming and cleaning is still essential in preventing the accumulation of too much dirt, which can cause respiratory illnesses, so don't dismiss it. Here are two professional carpet cleaning services you might come across and when to choose a particular method.
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  • Key Factors that Pet-Friendly Offices Should Look for in a Commercial Cleaning Service

    In the past, offices were serious spaces where staff or clients were not allowed to bring their pets. However, this is changing today, as pet-friendly offices are growing. Most importantly, however, is that office managers have to change the way they clean their offices. You can no longer use the same cleaning techniques. Luckily, office cleaning service providers who offer pet-friendly cleaning services are available, but you have to find the right firm.
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  • Clearing Up Common Myths About Water Damage

    Water damage is a problem that a lot of people dread. If you live in an area that's at high risk of flooding, it may be something that you think about from time to time. Ideally, it wouldn't happen at all, but it's a good idea to be prepared just in case. A reliable way to prepare involves reflecting on some of the myths that surround it. Myth: Cleaning It Up Alone Is Effective
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  • Cat in Heat? How to Keep Your Carpet From Stinking

    If you have a male cat, the ideal situation is to have it neutered. Neutering the cat will ensure that it doesn't go in heat and run wild all over your home. However, those who prefer not to neuter may end up with a cat that's peeing in random places around the home. Cats in heat tend to mark their territory by spraying urine on the floor and walls. And if you have wall-to-wall carpeting, you may end up with a stained or smelly carpet.
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  • Hiring a Cleaner: Should You Find Someone Yourself or Contact an Agency?

    You're a busy person, even though the idea of busy can vary. Maybe you work full time, you have to look after young children or you have an active social life. Keeping your home clean can be rather time-consuming and to be perfectly honest—it's not the most exciting thing in the world. If you have decided to hire a cleaner, about the first thing to think about is if you're going to place an advertisement yourself or simply contact a home cleaning agency.
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  • Deceased Estate Cleaning for Hoarders

    When a loved one dies, managing their estate can feel emotionally challenging. This becomes more pronounced when that person suffered from a condition that caused them to hoard their goods. From traumatic life events to obsessive-compulsive disorder, lots of conditions can cause hoarding to be a problem. If you need assistance with clearing a loved one's things after they passed, it's time to learn how a deceased estate cleaning service can help.
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  • Top 4 Ways to Allergy-Proof Your Home

    Are you tired of itching and sneezing in your own home? Here are 4 ways to allergy-proof your house. Use Green Cleaning Products in the Kitchen When you think of allergens in the kitchen, your mind most likely goes to peanuts and shellfish. However, food allergies aren't the only risk—cleaning products can cause an allergic reaction too. Many kitchen cleaning products are formulated with harsh chemicals to remove germs from surfaces and keep them out of food.
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  • Ammoniated Carpet — Why Cat Urine Puddles on the Mat Are Bad News for You

    Cats are energetic and curious creatures that don't only make great companions but are also always willing to give you the space you need. If you have a cat at home, be ready to accommodate pet "accidents" and bad habits like peeing outside the litter box. Keeping your cat indoors protects it from outdoor dangers such as homeless feral cats, dirt, diseases, parasites, running away and being stolen, but it may affect you in some ways.
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  • Two Things You Should Tell Your Cleaner Before They Pressure Wash Parts of Your Home

    If there are a few areas of your home that are quite dirty and you've decided to get a cleaning business which offers pressure cleaning services to clean these areas, there are certain things their cleaner will need to know before they can do this job. Read on if you want to learn what these things are. Whether or not you need the water to be hot You should let the cleaning business know if they need to provide their cleaner with a hot-water pressure cleaning machine when he or she visits your property.
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